Madonna Piercing: A Comprehensive Guide
The Madonna piercing, a distinctive form of facial adornment, is strategically placed on the upper lip's right side, offering a unique and stylish look. It is named after the famous singer Madonna, who left this piercing in her early career. This guide provides basic information about Madonna's piercing, including cost, pain level, healing time, jewelry options, and potential risks.
Fast Facts:
Placement: Right side of the lip
Cost: $30-$100
Pain: Low to moderate pain
Heal Time: 6-10 weeks
Jewelry: labret, barbell, rings, etc.
Material: Implant-grade titanium, surgical steel, sterling silver, gold, etc.
Risk: Infection, swelling, gum irritation, etc.
What’s a Madonna Piercing
The Madonna piercing is a facial piercing that is positioned on the right side of the upper lip. It is a single piercing that can be adorned with various types of jewelry to suit the style of the wearer.

How Long Does a Lip Piercing Take To Heal
Healing time for Madonna piercings can vary, but it's worth the wait! The healing timeline for a piercing can vary, but generally, it's expected to take approximately 6 to 10 weeks for the piercing to fully recover and stabilize. During this time, it is critical to avoid certain foods and behaviors that may irritate or infect the piercing. Once healed, you'll have a piercing that looks and feels amazing!
Does a Madonna Piercing Hurt
Absolutely! The experience of pain with a Madonna lip piercing is individual and can differ significantly among people. Some individuals may perceive a brief, intense pain at the moment of piercing, whereas others might experience it as a mild to moderate level of discomfort.
Risk of Madonna Piercing
As with any body piercing, there are risks associated with Madonna piercing. These include:
Infection: The area where the piercing is made can easily get infected by bacteria, which is more likely if the correct post-piercing care instructions are not adhered to. A infected Madonna piercing might become a concern. Symptoms of an infection could involve an unusual amount of redness, puffiness, discomfort, and the appearance of pus or other discharge.
Swelling: Swelling is an immediate consequence of the piercing process and is expected to diminish within a few days. Persistent or severe swelling may be a sign of an underlying problem, such as infection or a reaction to the jewelry material.
Gum Irritation: The friction from jewelry against the gums can result in discomfort or irritation. Ignoring this issue may potentially result in persistent dental complications.
Allergic reactions: Some people may have an allergic reaction to specific metals commonly found in jewelry.
What Kind of Jewelry Can Madonna Piercing Wear
These can be made using a variety of substances, encompassing materials like medical-grade titanium, stainless steel used in surgeries, high-grade silver, and precious metals like gold. Below are some of the top choices available:
Labret: A short bar with a ball or stud at the top, a popular choice for its understated look.
Barbell: Curved barbells that can accommodate larger sizes and provide a more dramatic look.
Ring: Round jewelry that can add unique style to a piercing.
Madonna Piercing Aftercare
After your piercing has healed, it is crucial to maintain its care. Here are some suggestions to assist you with this:
- Clean the piercing with saline 1-2 times a day.
- Avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands.
- Practice good oral hygiene and brush your teeth regularly.
- Be careful with speech activities, including kissing, oral sex, etc., while the pierced area is healing.
- Stay away from public water such as swimming pools until the piercing is fully healed to avoid bacterial infection.
- Avoid foods that may irritate the piercing as much as possible. Ensure a healthy, balanced diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Madonna Vs. Monroe Piercing
Although Madonna piercing and Monroe piercing are very similar, they are very different in terms of placement. Madonna's lip ring is located on the right side of her lips, while Monroe's lip ring is located on the left side of her lips.

In short, a Madonna piercing is a stylish and personalized way to express your individual style. With carefully selected jewelry and meticulous aftercare, it can be a beautiful and safe addition to your body art collection. Make certain to seek advice from a qualified piercer to guarantee a secure and satisfactory piercing procedure.
Thanks for reading! If you are interested in other piercings, read here. Happy piercing!
Disclaimer: If you have any questions or concerns about your piercing, please consult a professional piercer or doctor.