Snake Bite Piercing: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to the world of snake bite piercing! These edgy, fang-inspired piercings are perfect for adding flair to your smile. If you're drawn to bold lip piercings, you might also love the Ashley piercing, which offers a sleek, centered alternative. From pain levels to aftercare, we'll dive into everything you need to know about rocking these stylish piercings. Let’s get into the details!

Fast Facts:

Placement: Under the left and right lips, symmetrical

Cost: $40-$120

Pain: Mild pain

Heal time: 4-10 weeks

Jewelry: Labrets, hoops, captive rings, circular barbell

Material: Implant-grade titanium, surgical stainless steel, sterling silver, gold

Risk: Infection, swelling, scarring, gum damage

What Is a Snake bite Piercing

Snake bite piercing is two separate piercings in the lower lip, similar to a snake’s fangs. These snake bite lip piercing is sometimes referred to as “double snake bites”or “viper bites”. They are placed symmetrically on either side of the lower lip to enhance the wearer's smile and create a striking visual effect.

snake bite lip piercing

How Long Do Snake Bites Take To Heal

Healing time for snake bite piercings usually ranges from 4 to 10 weeks. However, everyone heals at a different rate, depending on the individual's physical condition and care.

How Bad Do Snake Bite Piercings Hurt

Everyone's different, and that's totally okay! While some people may find the procedure relatively painless, others may experience moderate pain due to the sensitivity of the lip area. After the snakebites piercing, the pain usually subsides quickly, so you'll be back to your usual self in no time!

snake bite piercing

Why Are Snake Bite Piercings Dangerous

As with any body modification, there are risks associated with snake bites piercings:

Infection: This infected snake bite piercing rarely occurs and can be easily avoided by keeping the piercing site clean and using sterilized tools during the procedure. If you do experience any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or increased pain, it is important to seek medical attention.

Swelling: It is perfectly normal to experience some swelling and pain after a new piercing. However, if the swelling does not go down after a few days or the pain becomes severe, it may be a sign of a problem.

Scarring: If the piercing is not done properly or is overly irritated, it will result in snake bite piercing scar. This risk is especially high if the piercing is removed before it has fully healed and the hole has begun to close.

Gum or Tooth Damage: Since snakebite piercing is located near the teeth, there is a risk of damaging the gums or teeth if the jewellery is incorrectly sized or accidentally bitten.

Snake Bite Piercing Jewelry

When choosing jewelry for snake bite piercing, you've got so many amazing options to choose from! Think labrets, hoops, captive rings, circular barbells, and so much more.

Snake bite Piercing

For materials, implant-grade titanium, surgical stainless steel, sterling silver, or gold are recommended to reduce the risk of allergies and complications. You can also choose to talk to a box piercer to choose the best material for you.

vertical snake bite

For size, snake bite lip piercing are usually 14 or 16 gauge, but ultimately it depends on your multi-size and you can ask your piercer. Because initial piercings can swell, the recommended piercings are usually larger pieces of jewelry. They can be replaced at a later date.

snake bite piercing

Snake bites Piercing Aftercare

  • Wash your hands before cleaning your piercing.
  • Clean twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Use sterile saline solution or recommended piercing spray to clean the piercing area.
  • Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and rinsing your teeth regularly. Try to avoid verbal activities, including playing with jewelry and kissing, while the wound is healing.
  • Avoid irritating diets and cosmetics.
  • Try to stay out of open water while the wound is healing to avoid bacteria from attacking the perforated area.
  • Maintain healthy habits and stay cheerful.


The snake bite piercing is a unique and stylish way to express yourself. With the right information, care, and a reputable piercer, you can enjoy this body art with minimal risk. Remember, the key to a successful piercing experience is knowledge, preparation, and diligent aftercare.

Thanks for reading! If you're interested in our previous piercings, read here. Happy piercing!

Disclaimer: If you have any questions or concerns about your piercing, please consult a professional piercer or doctor.

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