Black Tiger Sterling Silver Copper Ring

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* Note: This ring is made to order, need at least 30 working days crafting time

This tiger ring is made of solid 925 sterling silver, inlaid with 24k solid gold eyes, the noses could be copper or 18k rose gold. Red copper will slowly darken, it requires maintenance regularly, while 18k rose gold will stay rose-red permanently.

Tigers are wild, tigers are dangerous, but tigers are also beautiful, and this stunning sterling silver tiger eye ring captures all of that. From the finely etched lines that depict the tiger’s stripes, to 24k solid gold tiger eyes, every detail has been carefully crafted to give you the most amazing tiger ring you have ever seen. Order your top quality tiger ring today!

  • Size: about 24 mm
  • Weight: about 24 g (size 10.5)
  • Material: 925 silver, 24K solid gold, red copper / 18k rose gold

Find more tiger rings here.


1. Corta una tira de papel fino de al menos 3 pulgadas de largo y menos de 5 mm de ancho
2. Envuélvelo ajustado alrededor de tu dedo anular en la base del nudillo
3. Con un bolígrafo o lápiz, marque donde se superponen los extremos
4. Colóquelo plano y use una regla para medir la longitud en milímetros
5. Use la tabla a continuación para encontrar el tamaño de anillo correspondiente en la fila superior

*Nota: El método anterior es muy simple porque tenemos acceso a nuestros propios dedos. Desafortunadamente, este método no es 100% exacto. Para minimizar los errores, envuelva un papel alrededor de su dedo 3 veces. A continuación, mide el largo de la pieza y divide este número entre 3. Así tus medidas serán más exactas.


Si conoce su talla o la medida de su dedo (en mm), puede ir a cualquier sitio web de conversión de anillos en línea e ingresar su información.
Aquí hay un ejemplo de una tabla de conversión de tallas de anillos: http:/ /

  1. Haga clic derecho en la imagen de abajo y seleccione Guardar imagen como.
  2. Imprima la imagen sin escalar y asegúrese de que la longitud desde la línea "Leer tamaño aquí" hasta el final sea de 3,5 pulgadas.
  3. Recorte la imagen impresa, luego envuelva el medidor alrededor del dedo deseado. Lea el número junto a la línea "Leer tamaño aquí".

Estados Unidos continental

Envío gratuito en pedidos superiores a $59,99; de lo contrario, $7,99

Tiempo de entrega:

7-10 días hábiles (envío de comercio electrónico).

De 4 a 7 días hábiles (DHL Express Shipping).

Para productos hechos a pedido , el tiempo de elaboración es de 20 a 30 días hábiles.



Costos de envío: $15.99

Tiempo de entrega:

10-20 días hábiles (envío de comercio electrónico).

De 5 a 10 días hábiles (DHL Express Shipping).

Para productos hechos a pedido , el tiempo de elaboración es de 20 a 30 días hábiles.



Devoluciones sin problemas dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la entrega.

Los productos hechos a medida NO se pueden devolver ni cambiar. De lo contrario, se cobrará una tarifa de material del 30 %.

Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí

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Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
Alvin H.
LOVED first.

When i received it, it was every bit as awesome as in the pictures! but as time when on, just a few months, i noticed more and more of the silver showing through the black. in short, the black is just a superficial tinting/chemical reaction of some kind that doesn't last. Its still a nice ring if you don't mind having just a regular silver tiger ring.

Abby S.
Not the same as the photo, not worth the money!

My boyfriend's recently found this website and loves pretty much all of the rings, he bought 3 for himself and mentioned how much he loves this one but it was a bit too expensive. His birthday was approaching so I surprised him with it, but we both agreed it is not the same as the one in the photo. It's a lighter grey, not black, and the face is not the same. In his words the one in the photo looks evil, which is what he loved about it, this one isn't as impressive unfortunately. It is well made and sturdy but I wouldn't recommend buying this, not for this price anyway.

Eric P.
Love my 🐅

Amazing quality & detail! Love the copper nose & glowing eyes! Like a lot of people have mentioned already it’s NOT as black as I thought it would be & the black does kind of run off so I usually take it off when I wash my hands.... Besides that I love it! Quality!!!!

Fernando R.

Its a berry good

Brent C.

I love the ring but i ordered it to small I should have ordered one size bigger and it took to long come other than that everything was good

Chaz T.
Beautiful ring, but be absolutely sure of your size before you order

The ring is as beautiful as the images online show, and arrived sooner than expected. However be aware: THIS PRODUCT IS CUSTOM MADE; it can't be returned or exchanged. I had difficulty with the ring sizing, and got a ring that was way too big. I was unable to do a return, and still wanted the ring, but Customer Service was able to give me a discount when I reordered. BE SURE OF YOUR RING SIZE BEFORE YOU ORDER.

Nicholas B.

Beautiful ring you’ll love it

Usama U.
So cool

So sweet so awesome gives me a honer looking at it

Elijah M.

the detail looks great.

Travis L.

Was hoping it was bigger