Do you know what bridge piercings are there?

Bridge piercings are facial piercings made through the skin on the bridge of the nose, usually directly between the wearer's eyes. In addition to being decorative jewelry for the face, bridge piercings can also be a way to secure eyeglasses. It is a relatively rare piercing, but it has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its unique and eye-catching appearance. In this blog, we will discuss bridge piercing jewelry, including the different types of jewelry available, how to care for your piercing, and some styling tips.

Different types of Bridge Piercing Jewelry

Straight barbells come in a variety of different materials, including stainless steel, titanium, and gold. They can be adorned with a variety of different types of jewelry, including:

Straight barbells 

Straight barbells are a popular choice for bridge piercings. They consist of a straight metal bar with two balls on either end. The balls can be simple or decorative, depending on your style preferences.

Circular barbells

Circular barbells are another popular choice for bridge piercings. They consist of a circular metal bar with two removable balls on either end.

Curved barbells

Curved barbells are similar to straight barbells, but they have a slight curve to them. This can be a more comfortable option for some people, as it conforms to the shape of the bridge of the nose.

Captive bead rings

Captive bead rings are a popular choice for many types of piercings, including bridge piercings. They consist of a metal ring with a removable ball or bead. The ball is held in place by the tension of the ring.

Dermal tops

Dermal tops are a unique and eye-catching option for bridge piercings. They consist of a decorative metal top that is screwed onto a small anchor that is implanted under the skin. Dermal tops come in a variety of different designs, including gems, flowers, and animals.

Caring for Your Bridge Piercing

Like any piercing, it is important to take proper care of your bridge piercing to ensure it heals properly and stays healthy. Here are some tips for caring for your bridge piercing:

  1. Clean your piercing regularly: It is important to clean your piercing regularly to prevent infection. Use a saline solution or a mild soap and water to clean the piercing site twice a day.
  2. Avoid touching your piercing: Avoid touching your piercing with dirty hands as this can introduce bacteria and cause infection.
  3. Avoid swimming and soaking: Avoid swimming and soaking in water, such as pools or hot tubs, for at least four to six weeks after getting your piercing. Water can introduce bacteria and cause infection.
  4. Be careful when styling your hair: Be careful when styling your hair around your piercing, as hair products can irritate the piercing and cause infection.
  5. void changing your jewelry too soon: Avoid changing your jewelry for at least four to six weeks after getting your piercing to allow it to heal properly.

Styling Your Bridge Piercing

Bridge piercings can be styled in many different ways, depending on your personal style preferences. Here are some tips for styling your bridge piercing:

Keep it simple: A simple straight barbell or circular barbell can be a great choice for those who prefer a more understated look. These types of jewelry can be paired with a variety of different outfits and styles.

Go bold: For those who want to make a statement, a larger and more decorative piece of jewelry can be a great choice. Consider a curved barbell or captive bead ring with a unique design or a gemstone embellishment.

Mix and match: Bridge piercing jewelry can be mixed and matched with other facial piercings for a more eclectic and personalized look. Consider pairing your bridge piercing with a septum piercing or lip piercing for a unique and edgy style.

Coordinate with your outfit: Bridge piercing jewelry can also be coordinated with your outfit for a cohesive look. Consider choosing jewelry that complements the colors or style of your outfit for a polished and put-together appearance.

Experiment with different materials: Bridge piercing jewelry comes in a variety of different materials, including stainless steel, titanium, and gold. Experiment with different materials to find the one that works best for you in terms of comfort and style.


Bridge piercing jewelry is a unique and eye-catching choice for those who want to make a statement with their facial piercings. With a variety of different types of jewelry available, including straight barbells, circular barbells, curved barbells, captive bead rings, and dermal tops, there is a style out there for everyone. It is important to take proper care of your bridge piercing to ensure it heals properly and stays healthy. Whether you prefer a simple and understated look or a bold and decorative style, bridge piercing jewelry is a great way to express your personal style and make a statement.


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